Family Involvement Programs For Teens In Wake Forest, NC

Virtual Parent Group

Designed for current and alumni parents of teens recently admitted to, or discharged from inpatient, PHP, or IOP programming. You’re invited to join our virtual, clinician-led support group on topics related to parenting teens with mental health concerns. This open group is available to parents while their child is in treatment, preparing for discharge, or discharged within the last 60 days at Bright Path. The group is offered every other Thursday at 11 a.m.

For more information or to register for our parent group, please email us at

As a parent, your support is essential to your child struggling with their mental health. It can also be beneficial for parents not to go it alone, and sometimes the best support comes from others who are going through a similar experience who can empathize and validate the challenge. Our hope is to be able to provide a space for that connection for all our parents, who are holding so much.

Bright Path’s Enhanced Parent Group

The youth mental health crisis has far-reaching consequences, affecting not just the adolescents but also their parents and caregivers. At Bright Path, we recognize the importance of holistic care. While we provide direct care for adolescents, we also understand the profound impact their struggles have on their families.

To address this, Bright Path’s Parent Group has been enhanced to meet virtually every other Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. for a duration of 45 minutes. This group is designed to be a sanctuary for parents and guardians. Here, you can:

  • Share your personal experiences without judgment.
  • Find mutual support from others who truly understand your journey.
  • Learn valuable strategies and gather information to not only support your child but also take care of your own well-being.

Our sessions cover a range of pertinent topics, including self-care, setting boundaries, developing coping skills, fostering self-compassion, building a supportive community, and honing assertiveness and empowerment. We invite you to join us, be genuine about the challenges of parenting, and grant yourself the grace you deserve.

Teenage Boy With Problem Talking With Counselor At Home
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